Get webhook notifications whenever Tink providers Portugal creates an incident, updates an incident, resolves an incident or changes a component status.
Welcome to Tink status! Here you will find the operational status for all providers on the Portuguese market. For the overall status of the Tink platform, please visit
Activo Bank
Banco Atlântico Europa, SA
Banco BPI
Banco de Investimento Global
Banco Montepio
Banco Português de Gestão
Caixa de Crédito de Leiria
Caixa Economica Da Misercordia De Angra Do Heroismo
Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Feb 5, 15:15 UTC
Identified -
We have identified the issue and are in contact with Novobanco for further information. We will update when a significant change to the situation occurs.
Issues with users connecting via iOS and Android devices. Desktop connections are unaffected.
Jan 31, 10:06 UTC
Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 3, 08:10 UTC
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 3, 08:00 UTC
Scheduled -
As part of the standard renewal process for Tink’s eIDAS certificates, there will be maintenance for the Wise Open Banking connection on 2025-02-03 at 09:00 CET. Please note that during this maintenance window, the bank connection might be unavailable for approximately 10 minutes. This will only impact our customers operating on Tink’s PSD2 licence.
Jan 29, 09:44 UTC
Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Jan 27, 12:00 UTC
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jan 27, 10:00 UTC
Scheduled -
As part of the standard renewal process for Tink’s eIDAS certificates, there will be maintenance for the Revolut Open Banking connection on 2025-01-27 at 11:00 CET. Please note that during this maintenance window, the bank connection will be unavailable for approximately 2 hours. This will only impact our customers operating on Tink’s PSD2 licence.
Jan 22, 09:24 UTC